
CIW CIW Web and Mobile Design Series 1D0-622

Product Description

Exam Code:1D0-622

Exam Name:CIW Data Analyst

Q&A:55 Q&As

Updated: 02-21-2025


ExamGood CIW 1D0-622 preparation material provides you everything you will need to take your 1D0-622 certification exam. Download the latest CIW Data Analyst 1D0-622 certification exam from Examgood.com.

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ExamGood 1D0-622 Exam Features
1D0-622: CIW Data Analyst

Exam Features

Exam ID: 1D0-622
Number of Questions: 48
Passing Score: 75%
Time Limit: 75 minutes

Exam Overview 

The CIW Data Analyst Specialist certification, part of the CIW Web and Mobile Design series, validates skills in using data to analyze a company's operations and make business decisions. It focuses on comparing structured and unstructured data, and deploying tools like Hadoop, R Project, and custom database solutions.
The CIW Data Analyst exam evaluates the ability to extract information from various data sources, including web and social media logs, and marketing, sales, and customer relations data. It also tests the ability to identify relationships between organizational efforts and business outcomes, and to present data effectively using traditional and web-based tools.
The CIW Data Analyst Specialist course prepares candidates for the CIW Data Analyst Specialist exam. Passing this exam earns the CIW Data Analyst Specialist certification, which is a precursor to preparing for the CIW Database Design Specialist certification exam in the CIW Web Development series.


An understanding of spreadsheets, databases, business processes, websites and coding
CIW Internet Business Associate or equivalent knowledge
CIW Site Development Associate or equivalent knowledge
CIW Advanced HTML5 & CSS3 Specialist or equivalent knowledge
CIW User Interface Designer or equivalent knowledge


Lesson 1 - Fundamentals of Data Analysis
Lesson 2 - Introduction to Big Data
Lesson 3 - Working with Data Sources
Lesson 4 - Tools for Capturing and Analyzing Data
Lesson 5 - Analyzing and Reporting Data

Benefits of ExamGood CIW Web and Mobile Design Series 1D0-622 Exam Questions

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PDF and ice Software Download: Your 1D0-622: CIW Data Analyst training materials have the choice of two formats. The PDF version can be printed for those who prefer to study from paper. The software version can be used on any device, allowing you to study wherever you like, whenever you have time.
One-Year Free Updates: ExamGood provides free updates for a year. This means your 1D0-622: CIW Data Analyst study materials always match the latest exam questions. And for just $10 more, you can extend this update service to two years, ensuring your study materials stay current.
Refund Policy: ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee. If you fail the exam, just send them your score report. We will refund your money, making it a risk-free choice. This shows that ExamGood stands behind the quality of 1D0-622: CIW Data Analyst materials and is committed to helping you succeed.
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